The most important marketing trends for 2022

2020 and 2021 were difficult years. Some businesses did not make it and had to put the lock on the door, others tried their best to stay afloat, and many turned to online. And they weren't wrong. But what does 2022 hold for digital marketing? Below are some of this year's trends.


<Back to basics>

Google announces that from 2023 the Chrome browser will stop collecting third-party data. So, it can be a variant to consider collecting zero-party data, ie those that users voluntarily entrust by registering on the site or completing questionnaires and forms.

Marketers say the pandemic has helped increase online engagement and that this trend will continue in 2022.


<Influencers, a must-have in any strategy>

In 2020 and 2021 there has been a massive increase in influencer marketing, and experts believe that this segment will grow more and more.


<Content, more important than ever>

Content creation has always been important, but in 2022 it is expected to introduce more varied forms of message transmission, including audio creations. Turning content into video and audio can be a real challenge, and marketers will need to find more and more creative ways to connect with their audience, a more selective audience with content they read, listen to, or view. The content must be of superior quality, attract attention and retain it. If it does not have the ability to make the user resonate quickly, then the user will be much more likely to forget it immediately and permanently.


<Keep your audience close>

In the context in which it is no longer as easy to reach customers only through social media campaigns, because there are tens of thousands of businesses that produce ads and launch them to users through Facebook, to which is added the fact that a customer may follow multiple brands, and your ad may no longer be displayed to them, getting closer to your audience seems like the lifeline. You can do this quite easily by sending newsletters. It is a promotional option through which you know exactly who you are communicating with, who sees you and you can find out quite easily and what was the interest given to your message.


<Short videos, long term results>

Online user habits have changed a lot over time, but one thing is for sure. If you use videos to communicate, then they need to be short and to the point, but at the same time effective. In fact, experts believe that these short videos bring much better results and have a much higher engagement rate than the longest ones. Of course, there is still room for longer clips, but it is recommended that they be used to describe a product or service or to tell a story.


<Seal your brand, first and foremost>

Creating a strong brand image should be the focus of any entrepreneur in 2022. This can mean a greater investment in creating a brand strategy and establishing a tone of voice, but in this context every word used must be capitalized, because it can bring your business the results it needs.


<It's cool to be mobile-friendly>

In the last two years, due to the fact that brands have had to move almost all their online activity, mobile site optimization has become much more important. Statistics show that more than half of a site's traffic is recorded on mobile, so in the long run we can consider making a mobile-friendly site an investment, not an expense.